FM Jellico
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Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Sixth Season, Part Three
“What has gotten into this team?” Heinrich asked for the umpteenth time “Are you complaining?” Uwe asked. They were sitting next to each other, ignoring the scenery outside the train. “No, I’m just…” “We all are,” Sasha said from the seat up front. “Don’t complain about it, other wise you’ll jinx us. How much longer?” […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Sixth Season, Part Two
“This season is making my head hurt,” Sasha said, leaning over the table, hands holding her head. “You sure it’s not the beer?” asked Heinrich, taking a healthy drink of his own. “No,” Sasha said, looking up. “Maybe it’s the crowd.” The bar was a lot more…active these days, especially after games. When the locals […]

A New Challenge, Part Three
June 27th, 2273 File Size, 1.5GB At this point, on slower machines it can take a bit to load. Around 2200 is when you start to see a decent amount of changes, especially in ‘lower’ leagues. England Hull have won the Prem. Man City have been relegated.The early 2200’s were all Norwich, as they won […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Sixth Season, Part One
It was a bit windier than usual, which had driven a lot of the spectators back into the concourse, but the usual hardcore fans stuck it out. “What do we think?” asked Dietrich. “Top Half,” Uwe and Hans replied at the same time. “Top Six,” replied Sasha, who suddenly stood up and yelled at a […]

A New Challenge, Part Two
It is now the 24th of June, 2123, we are 100 years into the future. Database size has shrunk slightly, to 63K players, the playable Leagues have remained the same. save size, 772MB. So, what has changed? For the Countries I have loaded not named Spain, not too much. England: Tottenham has won the League.Blackburn […]

A New Challenge
Admittedly, FM23 is getting a little….long in the tooth shall we say? A lot of us are playing just a couple of saves, a lot of us are playing a new save every week, or every day it seems (Shoutout to RDF! 🙂 ). For me, the issue is, we know everything goin on the […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fifth Season, Part Three
“Can we reboot this year?” Sasha moaned again. It was a common theme, and not just for her. “I don’t know what the deal is with the Rodic kid…” Theo sighed, finishing of his drink. They were at the bar, trying to drown their sorrows. Given the shellacking they just suffered at the hands of […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fifth Season, Part Two
He had been logged on for all but a minute when his email pinged, and seeing who it was from, he opened it quickly. “Hi Coach, Hope things are going well with you. New York is interesting. The local football scene isn’t all that great, but the school actually has a very good Ice Hockey […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fifth Season, Part One
“How deep in the hole do you thinks they are?” asked Hans. They were standing outside the stadium waiting for practice to open. That they had to pay a nominal fee was beside the point for most people. “Enough that they are charging us to watch practice,” Sasha grumbled, She took a drink of her […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fourth Season, Part Three
“We are running out of fingernails to hold on with…” – Anon, BSC Dynamo HQ, March 2026 Coach came out of his office, looking a bit more animated than he usually did. The past three months had worn not just him, but everybody in the building down. In the past people used to joke about […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fourth Season, Part Two
“Do you think it’s interesting he hasn’t announced who he’s supporting for Team President?” Hans asked. “He has announced,” Sasha said around a mouthful of food. “What? He hasn’t made any statements.” “And that’s his announcement,” Sasha replied, after taking a drink. “What?” Sasha sighed and rolled her eyes. “Sometimes you can say exactly what […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Fourth Season, Part One
Versprechen sind wie der Vollmond, wenn sie nicht sofort eingehalten werden, werden sie von Tag zu Tag weniger “There’s talk.” “There’s always talk. What are they saying now?” The restaurant was nowhere near full yet, but they had asked to be sat in the corner just for some additional privacy. “You,” Dietrich said after swallowing […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Third Season, Part Three
„Sie treffen eine Entscheidung auf der Grundlage der besten verfügbaren Daten, die Sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt haben. Wir können es uns nicht leisten, zu spielen, was wäre, wenn, wir können es uns nicht leisten, zurückzublicken. Diejenigen von Ihnen, die dies wünschen, ich möchte Sie nicht hier haben. Wenn Sie es sind nicht auf das Jetzt […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Third Season, Part Two
Wenn Sie zwischen einem Felsen und einem harten Ort sind, gehen Sie auf die andere Seite des Felsens. “We have been well and truly Rogered.” Everyone sat up a little bit straighter when Coach said that. “One hell of a way to start a meeting.” Andreas turned around to find the offending player, and was […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Third Season, Part One
Was in der weiten Welt des Sports ist hier los? Hannah screamed, and so did Julia. The pounding on the door was loud, it sounded like someone was taking a sledgehammer to it. “Stay here,” he said, looking at them. He approached the front door warily, took a deep breathe and opened it. “Did you […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Second Season, Part Three
Nun, das ist passiert Suljić’s goal took the like out of Weiche. They played what can only be called “lackluster” football the rest of the game, and Ogbaidze’s goal in the 91st minute was the final nail. Promoted. Back to Back Promotions. Winning the Berliner Landepokal again was lost in the excitement and joy of […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Second Season, Part Two
Unsere Berichterstattung übertreffen The season started of well, you beat a team like Magdeburg like that in their own home, you try not to get to excited, and the fact we lost by one to Dynamo Dresden (das Schweine) was a quick dose of reality. Beating 1. FC Köln in the Pokal, in extra time, […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The Second Season, Part One
“Das Schwierige, was ich jetzt tun kann, das Unmögliche wird sieben bis zehn Werktage dauern…” Jakob Mueller was tired, and it showed as he walked out of his office, slouched, briefcase hanging haphazardly from his hand, jacket over one shoulder and the knot in his tie down to the second button on his shirt. The […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The First Season Ends
“Where’s Tobias?” Ulrich asked. “He said he wasn’t coming. The last time he came to a game because we convinced him to, we lost to Cottbus,” Joachim said. “He thinks if he’s here in person the team will lose again…” “I have a hard time figuring him out,” Hans said to noone in particular. “He’s […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The First Season Review
Wie weit können uns zwei 34-jährige Beine bringen? I don’t know what it is with the saves I’ve picked this season. They have all been interesting teams, they have all been fun to play, but they all have one thing in common: The finances are…suboptimal. I knew this when I was looking at BFC Dynamo […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, The First Season Preview
“Come in!” The voice on the other side of the door sounded distracted, and when Andreas Pollasch opened it he could see why. The office was organized chaos, but still chaos. Photo’s on the wall, piles of paper on the desk, left over lunch plate on the corner. The only personal item he saw was […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen, Part One, Introductions
Note: A lot of the names and all personalities in the conversations are made up. Any resemblance to an actual person is a stroke of genius and luck on my part, and means I should throw away this Lotto ticket… The house was cozy, tastefully decorated, and usually quiet, but with seven full grown men […]

Der Bär Wird Wieder Brüllen
Prolouge From 1979 to 1988, Bayern Munich won the Bundesliga 5 times, and in the other 5 years never fell below 4th. And impressive win streak thats been superceded in recent years by an impressive run starting in 1998, when they have won the League 18 times. In 2022, they won the Bundesliga for the […]

10 “Smaller” Clubs for Youth Oriented Saves
Youth Oriented Saves and Youth Only saves are quite popular in Football Manager, and as with all Football Manager saves depending on the team you choose, your Youth save is going to be Easy (Chelsea, Barcelona, Sporting, Ajax) or Hard. Several things affect a clubs Youth Intake: Some club’s have Youth Development Philosophy, that is […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, The End :-(
Unfortunately, due to an electrics issues on my end, the Santa Clara save has come to an end. Over the New Years holiday, I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning up my computer and my external hard drives, trying to get all the files for all the games and programs I have into some […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, Part 6
Our 5th Season at Santa Clara is proving to be what I think is the first big step we needed to take in order to stay at the top of the Portuguese Premier League. Qualifying for European football last season was part of that first step, this seasons transfer window was the other, in my […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, Part 5
The First of Many Steps Last season we finished solidly midtable, which was to be expected. Also expected, unfortunately, was the fact that my board is as parsimonious as ever and refuses to allow me to have more than 10% of the transfer budget, which means for the time being we are looking for players […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, Part 4
Our form is…Confusing at times. I think it is safe to say we over performed last season. A 5th Place finish was well above expectations, but part of me is left wondering what sort of form we are going to fall back to this year: Scrappy fighters clawing draws from teams we should be losing […]

“Verjemi mi, brat, to imam”
So, with regards to my Santa Clara series, I am a little bit ahead of where I am in the blog. By about two years. But recently, something happened that I feel compelled to share, if only because I can hear the anger and cry of the players, coaches, fans, announcers, and surrounding region of […]

Part One Football, despite it immense worldwide popularity, is still very much a regional sport in terms of fan support, often times in some neighborhoods as to which side of the street you live on. A club can be many things to many people, but no matter what size it is, at it’s heart it […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, Part 3
Punching Above our Weight Class This season was all about survival. Which meant trying to be as active as we could in the transfer market and improving the squad on a limited budget. My previous post sort of tells the story of how that went, but at the end of the day (weekend really, I […]

My Dentist is going to be able to send his kid to college after all…
I knew one of my current saves was going to be more of a challenge. A relegated club, not the strongest financially, competing in a very good league, with several bigger clubs ahead of it. I like those types of saves, there’s something to be said about bringing one (or more) of the teams that […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story, Part 2
The 1st Season: Fighting, Clawing, Scraping. So, we have a mic of screenshots here, the dark ones are from the Statman skin, the light ones from the Mustermann skin, both available on the SI forums. They are both brilliant IMO, and well worth a look! The season did not get off to a good start. […]

Derrubando Os Três Grandes: Santa Clara, an FM 23 Story
PART 1 I have not been playing Football Manager that long, since FM17 really, but in that time I have managed to play quite a few teams in quite a few countries. But one country I have yet to manage in is Portugal. This year I wanted to do more on the blog, and thought […]

1000 Years in the Future Experiment, this time with more Countries: Part 3, Success, Sort Of
The first attempt I was way to optimistic, I loaded 24 nations, created a coach, and went on the eternal vacation. The game started to crash in the 2220’s, which I expected, just not that early. Then it crashed hard in the 2300’s. And by crashing hard I mean when trying to load the save […]

1000 Years in the Future Experiment, this time with more Countries: Part 2 Failure and Success
Well, when I started the second attempt at this save, I wanted to go bigger, and I did, and I think that’s what’s causing the issues the save is having now. While simming on the laptop, there were always a few crashes related to the video card, it’s a NVIDIA thing that can’t be fixed […]

Scouting in Football Manager: You get out of it what you put into it, Part 2
Your team can only have so many scouts, and each of those scouts can only be in so many places thru out the year. And no matter what they are looking for, the next wonderkid, the replacement for your second winger, a backup keeper, the player database can be large enough that you will miss […]

Scouting in Football Manager: You get out of it what you put into it
Part One: Setup There are a lot of guides out there on scouting and how to do it well, but this is not going to be as in depth and as detailed as some of those. Rather it is more of a tips guide that I use with my teams to help me find those […]

1000 Years in the Future Experiment, this time with more Countries
So, last year I had a spare laptop lying around, and thought it would be cool to try and sim out 1000 years with more than just one country enabled. That laptop, and aging Dell Alienware that was about 6 years old, died. So I replaced it with a new laptop, loaded the save, and […]

One of my favorite phrases of all time is “Custer had a plan too….”. Those of you who may need a little historical context, I suggest Wikipedia; but at the end of the day, it’s a very apt quote. I used it at work a couple of weeks ago and the VP of Ops laughed […]

8 Players to the Lower Leagues, an Experiment
Experiments are quite popular in FM, but in my opinion, to many of them are the same. What if we gave a Lower League Club a Billions Pounds, what if we put the worlds best youth player in the 8th Division of the English Football League, that sort of thing. I’ve even done a couple […]

Link To Spreadsheet
Hi everyone. The video on my YouTube channel has just over 1.5k views, which for a small channel is a decent accomplishment, but after a couple of recent emails, I realized that I had not linked to the ‘blank’ spreadsheet on my site, so here it is: Now, as you may or may not […]

Squad View
Hey everyone, hope things are going well for you. Just a short post, I’ve had a couple of people message/ask me for the Squad view I use, so I have uploaded it to the Steam Workshop, you can find it here: Any questions on it let me know, it being an FM View you […]

Plans for the Future?
I have many plans for the future. Although as I am fond of saying: “Custer had a plan, too.” FM20 brought about some very nice changes to those of us who are spreadsheet fanatics. From my point of view, the changes they have made to player status’, and contracts, and not to mention the fact […]

Of Wages and Scheduling
When your taking a snapshot of the teams attributes every 3-4 months, and then the year to year comparisons, the number of tabs starts to add up. I think I am up to about 25, and while that’s still not anywhere close to the “Cry for help!” stage, it’s starting to be a concern… Many […]

It’s finally in video format
Apologies on this taking so long, real life and the like has gotten in the way again (and you’d think it would be more considerate really), but part one of the video series accompanying the posts here will be going live tomorrow, that’s Monday the 11th of March, 2019, on my YouTube Channel at 7AM […]

The Beginning, just a couple of tabs, I swear…
I’ll be the first to admit, I am not the most knowledgeable soccer/football fan. I played it as a kid, followed it, although not too closely, when I lived in Europe in the 80’s, and while I know of the Premier League, Bundesliga and the like, until about 2017, my knowledge of world football was, […]

So, Now I have to Learn WordPress….
Hi, and thanks for stopping by! My name is FM Jellico, and in addition to being a full time father, husband, and gamer I am also a Football Manager…well, addict is to strong…no, it’s not. I’m an addict. I’m relatively new to the Football Manager scene, FM 17 was my first exposure to the game, […]