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FM18 Formation Guide: 4-4-2
The Mike Bassett Choice 4-4-2 has become a relatively obsolete formation in recent years, as teams attempt to infiltrate the half spaces and overload defences. However, as Atletico Madrid and Leicester have proven in recent seasons, there is still a place for the old faithful in football. Defensively, it is one of the most rigid […]

The Madness of Mumbai Part XIII: I just want to avoid Bengaluru…
Catch up on the ISL journey so far here, here, here and here Welcome to Mumbai, the mad city that never, ever sleeps. When we last spoke (and if you haven’t caught up on the Indian leg of the journey then have a look above) Mumbai City FC were guaranteed a playoff spot for the end of […]

Letou Decide: Mlog 16th November 2017
9 AM: Press conference introducing me to the media, among the things discussed is my relationship with the chairman (which is fantastic), whether the Premier League is my main focus (it is) and whether I’m confident for my first few games in charge (I am). 10 AM: Rest of the day is spent preparing on […]

Behind Enemy Lines Episode 1
Arsenal FC Behind Enemy Lines | Episode 1 | Let’s Play Football Manager 2018 Welcome to my channel and welcome to Football Manager 2018 and the new series to the channel Arsenal FC Behind Enemy Lines, me and my team of Ex Tottenham Players take control at the Emirates to get Arsenal back to the top […]

The Madness of Mumbai Part XII: Steps into the unknown, albeit it successful steps
Welcome to Mumbai, the most populated city in India and boy do we have a doozy of an update for you today my friends. Catch up on the ISL journey so far here, here and here Mumbai City are 100% in the play-offs and with just two regular matches left, our nine-point lead over Bengaluru FC means that […]

Letou Decide: Mlog 15th November 2017
An Introduction So here we are, you the public have voted me to take the reigns at Swansea and I am truly honoured. I have been to Wales once before to climb Mount Snowdon, so my only memory of Wales is that it is cold, very cold – however, the warm reception I have received […]

Tempo10 Episode 11: The (un)Social Network Game
Mike and Matt are joined by one half of the Rivalità Tra Fratelli series, Craig, as they discuss various different ways of playing Football Manager from network saves to journeyman adventures. An unmissable episode, not least for Mike’s flawless pronunciation of Rivalità Tra Fratelli – a feat for which he spent all day in a […]

Exploring Newgens: Asia
Welcome to Exploring Newgens: an article series on finding the best youth prospects across the globe for your FM17/FM18 team. From Scotland to Australia, Korea to Nigeria, and Peru to Canada, there are plenty of players generated in-game with the potential to make a difference in your squad. Join Alex Dieker as he guides you through […]

CM01/02: Canary Corner – Part 2
Welcome back to Norfolk, where I sit in a room with the lights and heating off to try and save money. Norwich City are desperately trying to forge a promotion campaign, but with the notable handicap of being saddled with debt. Although the debt has halved since I took over, I can’t deny it is […]

TEMPO 10 SPECIAL PODCAST: Letou meet the manager!
Mike and Matt are back at it again, this time meeting Stuart Reid (Reids, @from_the_wing) Reids is your winner of our Letou Decide manager vote. Stuart will be taking over Swansea City on Football Manager 2018 as a part of our collaboration with Letou, official sponsors of Swansea City FC. He joins Mike and Matt […]

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum: Part Two
We pick up Episode Two right after the first leg of my Europa League qualification tie with Aberdeen. It’s fair to say we are up against it, and could really do with more clinical finishing after the clutch of chances missed at Goodison. There is some positive news, at least. The arrival of a potential […]

The Madness of Mumbai Part XI: “The ISL is like a golf course, and we have played the front nine well”
Hey hey. Welcome back to India. The ISL is finally in full swing and boy do I have a lot to update you on. I think you will be reading this on Tuesday, but it was written off the back of a weekend’s worth of game time so quite a lot of in-game time has […]

Chalk and Cheese: The Rivals 1.2
Chalk and Cheese: The Rivals 1.2 In the last episode I ran through Raul Garrido’s philosophy and his transfers for his Birmingham side, now it’s time for Aurelio Ferrentino’s Aston Villa side. Aurelio is a classic Italian manager, prioritising defensive stability. Clean sheets get points, points moves you up the table.With a small transfer budget (£1m) […]

Gunning For Glory Episode 1: Campaign in North London begins
Josh asked you to vote on his first Football Manager save, you chose Arsenal. Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil cannot re-sign, the transfer record cannot be broken until 2020. Here, his journey begins. I should have known better. Humanity can’t be trusted with a vote. Brexit, Donald Trump, Boaty McBoatface. Whatever happens, people screw up. […]

The Madness of Mumbai Part X: How does 8 go into 5?
I tell you what, it’s a bit like being back in Serie A in the late 80’s and early 90’s this. No, not the general quality of the league or the squads, but trying to crowbar the foreign players into a squad and getting the right balance. In the Mumbai City squad, I have eight […]

Slack FC – Ten Years On
“It’s happened again. It’s happened a-gaaaaaaaaaain! Slack FC update is late – It’s happened again” Yeah I know, I know. This project hasn’t exactly gone as planned. However, this project has coincided with the craziest year of my life so far. That’s no excuse, but it’s the one I got. In any case ladies and […]

FM18 League Guide: Ireland
Hello and welcome to another Higher Tempo Press Football Manager 2018 league guide. After @accordingtofm’s fantastic Colombian guide, we’ve had @LongBallFoot submitting a wonderful Scottish league guide (tipping my favourite Scottish side ‘Patrick’ Thistle as his personal recommendation) and @damoncmcknight has the respect of everyone at Tempo Towers for attempting to explain Major League Soccer’s […]

Rivalità Tra Fratelli, Episode 32: The Last Stand
This is the story of two brothers, a modern-day Cain versus Abel if you will, based surprisingly now in Paris. If you’d like to replicate this challenge, we’re using the updated medium database with the following leagues: England (Premier League, Championship, League One & League Two), Italy (Serie A & Serie B), Spain (La Liga […]

Classic Championship Manager: Scotland on the Road to Euro 2004 Part VII
Hello! Welcome back. Remember last month where Scotland qualified for Euro 2004? It wasn’t vintage, but we were one of the best three runners-up which, let’s be honest, is as good as Scotland can really expect. In this update, preparation begins for Portugal 2004 as we welcome Austria to Hampden for a friendly, then we’ll […]

The Madness of Mumbai Part IX: They only play cricket in India, right?
Did ya notice the name change? Did you? Did you? Did you? I was sitting at my desk preparing for my second season in charge at Skive at the phone went. “India baby. Bollywood. Cricket. Elephants at weddings. And the ISL. You coming?” How the hell could I resist? Mumbai City FC, co-owned by Bollywood […]

FM18 League Guide: Australia
G’day mates, throw another shrimp on the barbie and take a trip to Lassiter’s to see Dr Karl for this is a rather tortuous entrance to the Higher Tempo Press Australian A-League guide. I’ll drop the Aussie accent now, mostly because I was never a huge Kylie fan and Waltzing Matilda doesn’t really cut it. […]

CM0102: Walking in a Windsor Wonderland – ECQ 2008 Part 2
Today sees the tail end of our 2008 European Championship Qualifying campaign. As always, you’ll be able to catch the real-life review on That Football Daily. The group is delicately poised at the halfway point. We sit in 4th but are only 3 points off that elusive 2nd place currently occupied by Greece. Catch up […]

FM18 Formation Guide: 4-2-3-1
Formation History During the late 2000’s, football saw a sharp decline in teams using 2 strikers. Managers realised that they could control the game better if one of those strikers sat permanently deeper, filling into the CAM role. This would give them more dominance in the midfield, without totally disregarding goalscoring. Thus, the 4-2-3-1 became […]

Meet the world’s longest serving manager…
Meet the World’s Longest Serving Football Manager! There is no doubt that Football Manager is an addictive game. We’ve all skipped meals because of a mid-seasons slump in form, we’ve all stood in our suits addressing an imaginary dressing room before a cup final and we’ve all missed out on important family occasions because of […]

On the Skive Part VIII: Last Day Dramas…
Ciao. Yeah, still doing that as I fancy another stab at Italy at some point. Anyway, yesterday I told you that we were heading into the last match of the season pretty certain we were getting promoted but with a teeny, tiny slim chance of nicking the title from Avarta. To do that we needed […]

FM18 League Guide: Major League Soccer III: Player Acquisition
Welcome back to my MLS guide. In the first post, we went over league structure, and in the second post we covered roster composition. In this post, we’re going to discuss various topics related to player acquisition, including the allocation ranking, allocation funds, the three main drafts that a Football Manager will experience, and the […]

On the Skive Part VII: Oh, you don’t hate me anymore?
Well, would you look at that. Having gone unbeaten for the first eleven or so games, the players were bitching and moaning about me not being the gaffer for them. Oh, they love a team meeting on FM18 don’t they? Yet, Skive hit a tricky patch in the run up to qualifying for the Promotion […]

CM0102: Walking in a Windsor Wonderland – ECQ 2008 Part 1
After narrowly missing out on a World Cup play-off place we’re raring to go for the 2008 European Championship Qualifiers. Don’t forget to check out Henry’s real-life review of that 2006 Qualifying Campaign over on That Football Daily. We’ve yet again been drawn in a group with Bulgaria, alongside them are (expected group winners) Italy, […]

Letou Decide: Vote for the manager and win signed Swansea City merchandise!
Welcome back folks. Following yesterday’s slightly anti-climatic reveal – I mean, no videos, no big teasing buildup and certainly dramatic music – we are on to the bit of this project that really counts. Getting you involved, or as it says on the tin, the bit where we Letou Decide. That’s right – we are putting […]

Tempo10 Ep10: Building a squad that leads and lasts
Mike and Matt are joined by Jack to discuss the finer points of squad management. Jack talks about his theories on building a sustainable club and how to hush a disruptive Danny Rose.

FM18 League Guide – Major League Soccer II: Roster Composition
Now that we’ve covered the actual league structure, it’s time to move on to roster composition. What do you need to know when assembling your team for an upcoming Major League Soccer campaign? In this post, I will detail out what the roster rules are and describe different player categories on the roster. A Major […]

CM01/02: Canary Corner – Part 1
2001 was an odd time in English football, certainly outside of the Premier League. ITV Digital was supposed to breathe new life into the Football League clubs, but ultimately it would collapse towards the end of the 2001/02 season, causing financial mayhem in the process. The First Division is as competitive as ever, with Manchester […]

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum: Part One
With the beta coming out a matter of days after Ronald Koeman was shown the door by Everton, it was an obvious choice to show him how it’s done. The Toffees spent big over the summer, but a run of tough fixtures and dire performances saw the Dutchman sacked before the clocks had changed. It’s […]

Letou Decide: The introduction
I tell you what, it is becoming more and more difficult to come up with anything original in the FM space as the years go by. Hats off to everyone else, there are some fantastic ideas all over the place meaning that here at Tempo Towers we spend almost minutes coming up with new plans […]

Chalk and Cheese: The Rivals 1.1
In episode 1.0 I ran through the premise of the save and introduced the managers, now it’s time to explore their philosophies a bit deeper, and to sort out the transfers for the forthcoming season, starting with Raul Garrido who’ll be taking control of Birmingham City. Raul is highly possession orientated and is blessed with […]

FM18 League Guide – Major League Soccer I: League Structure
I’m back, ladies and gents! It’s been some time since I’ve been around, but the new season and the new game means it’s time to start cranking out new content! This American had a great time living in Australia over the summer, but I’ve been thinking it’s about time to get back home to the […]

Far Post Corner Kick Routine Exploit
Far Post delivery = goal! Football Manager 2018 Beta version was released two weeks before full version and we are able to test new things in our beloved game. One of my main points what always test firstly are set pieces. As there are not many changes in set piece creator (read as almost nothing […]

On the Skive Part VI: Jan Molby and that goal…
“Look, you are tainted goods after Brescia. If the bottom teams in Italy won’t touch you then you’re going to have to go somewhere else. I can get you into Greece or Denmark, you choose”. My FM18 agent And he was right. Italy didn’t want to know. I had four interviews after Brescia, all of […]

FM18 League Guide: Scotland
Awrite As one of few Scots to have learned how to write in English, I’ve been tasked with providing you, our fine reader, with some form of guide about the Scottish leagues available to you on Football Manager 2018. “Scotland? That’s boring. It’s just Celtic and Rangers.” Au contraire my amigo, that’s the fun of […]

Rivalità Tra Fratelli, Episode 31: An Open Letter
This is the story of two brothers, a modern-day Cain versus Abel if you will, based now in the Allianz Stadium. If you’d like to replicate this challenge, we’re using the updated medium database with the following leagues: England (Premier League, Championship, League One & League Two), Italy (Serie A & Serie B), Spain (La […]

Binned by Brescia: 5 things I have learned by being sacked
I know I am in good company. Loads of us have been sacked in FM18 BETA, and that makes me feel better about myself. Everyone and their gran getting sacked left right and centre! ??? — Andy (@WeegieFM) November 3, 2017 That moment when you plug something on the pod and the next day? ?? […]

I Ragazzi della Biancoazzurri Parte V: Well that went well…
Ciao. “Sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning” went the chant in my head as Foggia scored their 5th without reply. This was the virtual morning of course, not my actual morning as there was no way I’d be holding on to my job until then. I knew it was over, my […]

FM18 Formation Guide: 4-1-2-3
A New Year So, FM18 is upon us. Plenty of new features, updated squads and another year of managerial challenges. Before any new player gets their teeth stuck into a save though, they have to make a few early decisions. Who to manage, who to sign, and what formation to use. This weekly guide will […]

CM0102: Walking in a Windsor Wonderland – WCQ 2006 Part 2
We continue our journey with Northern Ireland today in the second half of the 2006 World Cup Qualifying campaign. Henry Muldrew has excellently reviewed the real-life exploits of this campaign over on That Football Daily. We currently sit second in our group with 6 points from the opening 4 fixtures. If you haven’t already then […]

Oliver Burke: What Could Have Been?
If you haven’t read my previous Ode to Oliver Burke, or followed along with my save on my own site, then I’d thoroughly recommend you check them (clang) out as context to reading today’s piece. I’ll pick up where I left off last time.

I Ragazzi Della Biancoazzurri Parte IV: Deep breath, here we go
Ciao. Preseason feels like it has lasted an age. Well, I s’pose it has lasted a whole week in the real world. I’d go as far as saying it has been my least enjoyable week in FM land. Not because I have anything against FM18 in any big way at all, hell I’ve barely even […]

How to use the new #FM18 analysis tools
The role played by analysis in football today is seemingly ever expanding as teams drill down in to the available data in an attempt to gain a competitive edge on the opposition. Alongside this more data driven approach we have seen data analysts and technical recruitment departments at clubs get more exposure in the media […]

Tempo10 Ep9: How do you solve a problem like a new save?
Mike and Matt return having ditched Chris for the week to talk about their ‘To-Do Lists’ when starting a new save game. The team take inspiration from Keysi Rensie’s article on things to do before you play a match on FM18. Quirks, superstitions and routines abound as the two talk FM18 Essentials.

FM18 League Guide: Czech Republic
“Dobrý den, vítejte v České republice…” After a perfect Colombia league guide by Mike aka AccordingToFM, I decided to write about the Czech 1st division. In the game it’s called “Synot liga” but before the 2017/2018 season, it was changed to “HET liga” as there is a new major sponsor of the first division. Structure The […]

I Ragazzi Della Biancoazzurri Parte III: I’m in the zone, and that’s not a good thing
Ciao. So how many of us are playing FM18 BETA and fearing the sack then, eh? I certainly am. I am massively regretting laying down an initial plan for my first save, announcing it to all ten of you that read this rubbish and diving straight in. I’m in that zone you see. That dreaded […]